Can you state your genealogical problem in one sentence? “I need to find Grandma” does not count. Your “problem” generally should involve one or perhaps two people, an event or a relationship you are trying to uncover, and perhaps a location where that event took place. You may need more verbiage to explain your problem, but what you are trying to uncover should fit in one sentence.

If nothing else, focusing your problem succinctly may give you some insight into solving it.



4 Responses

  1. I can not find information on my Grand Father’s parents or where he was born. His name is Dionicio Gomez, I have found his name on my mother’s Baptismal Certificate and on the 1920 census in Yavapai , Prescott, Arizona. Also again in 1930 in Albuquerque, New Mexico. I have been unable to find a Baptismal certificate for him or a Marriage Certificate for Dionicio and Margarita my Grand Mother. I have a baptismal certificate for her and have her parents names. I also have his obituary from the Albuquerque Journal in 1938 . In the obit says he was laid out at the home for the wake and buried in Pajarito , Bernalillo, New Mexico , the cemetery can not confirm this. They do have many unmarked graves.

    • Have you found Dionicio Gomez in the World War I Draft Registration records. All men born between 1872-1900 had to register for the draft. Some of the draft cards state the place of birth and also may say whether there were dependents or who the nearest relative is and where they live. You did not say whether any relatives (besides wife and children) were mentioned in his obituary. If siblings were named, try researching on them.
      Good luck.

  2. Did Vernie Koontz serve time in prison, and if so where (Baltimore MD or Virginia) and what was the crime? Vernie is the elusive half sister of one of my great-grandmothers. When her mother died in Nov 1884 the obituary simply said she was survived by her husband and one child. I estimate that Vernie was born between Sep 1882 and Nov 1884. She is mentioned by name in her father’s 1924 obituary and in my great-grandmother’s 1918 obituary. She had a child about 1900 that she abandoned at a boarding house in Baltimore, and then tried unsuccessful to get back when the adoptive father died.

  3. My father’s father was born in 1892 and, on his birth certificate, his father is listed as “deceased”. I know his mother’s name (as well as her parents’ names and where/when she was born) but only have his father’s name and that he was born in New York. He obviously died within the 9 months prior to my grandfather’s birth but I don’t know why or exactly when. I’ve tried to find him in the obituaries of 1891 and 1892 with no success.

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