We appreciate those who support Genealogy Tip of the Day–a lot.  Here are a few reminders for those who are new, were unaware, etc.:

  • You can unsubscribe to Genealogy Tip of the Day here. You can also subscribe on that same page.
  • Genealogy Tip of the Day is written by Michael Jocropped-tipofday.jpghn Neill. There is no corporate empire and there is no staff, Michael is it.
  • We have a Fan page on Facebook.
  • We have a group on Facebook.
  • We don’t put popup subscription  items on this blog because they irritate me. We do appreciate it if you let others know about Genealogy Tip of the Day. We appreciate it a lot.
  • We don’t have banner ads on this site because they also irritate me. Genealogy Tip of the Day is sponsored by GenealogyBank.com–please consider a subscription via our link. But you don’t have to subscribe to GenealogyBank to get the tips, comment here, participate in our Facebook groups, etc. We also encourage people to take a look at my recorded webinars–good content at the lowest prices you’ll find anywhere.
  • Tips come from actual research. We try and keep them short and simple. Longer posts can be found on the Rootdig blog.



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