Never query a database or search a set of records using information that came “from memory.” It is the best way to waste research time and potentially trace an incorrect lineage. Review your known material before searching that recently discovered database or record.



3 Responses

  1. I am once again receiving your daily emails. I do not want them. When I try to manage my account, it says that I am not subscribed. It took me forever to stop these emails in the past… and now they are started again. A responisble blog site should have a method to allow readers to efficiently unsubscribe.

    • My apologies for the problem. When I just tried to manually unsubscribe you, I got the same error message–that you are not subscribed. Please forward the exact email to me at and I will look into it.

  2. Alan, are you unsubscribing the same email address that these are coming in to? I’ve made that mistake myself so thought it worth mentioning.

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