We’ve turned our webinar sales page back on now through 30 November. Don’t wait! There are a wide variety of downloadable genealogy presentations–all with a focus on being practical, down-to-earth, and research oriented! Visit the page here. 
Before the repairman comes to do any work in the house, I always make certain everything is “cleaned up and out of his way.” There’s no need to pay a plumber to clean out under the kitchen sink to reach the garbage disposal when I can do that myself. It’s the same with hiring a professional genealogist. Before someone else can work on your problem, they will need to organize and “clean up” what you have already obtained. That organization of information is something you can do yourself and is preferred to simply sending the researcher a random collection of documents. If the researcher you hire has to organize our information before he can even begin, you will be charged for the time spent organizing your unorganized information. After all, […]
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