I still have room on my two 2016 trips. There’s more details on our blog posts and questions can be sent to me at mjnrootdig@gmail.com. Family History Library in Salt Lake–May 2016 Allen County Public Library in Ft. Wayne, Indiana–August 2016  
The response to the giveaway to my first brick wall from A to Z presentation has been overwhelming. In response, we’re offering a special on the four remaining presentations in this series. Visit our “Brick Wall” webinar page for additional details–our offer ends at 11:59 pm on 8 January 2016.
Sometimes what is really needed is a fast sketch of something–a chart or relationships, a list of ideas, etc. It’s not always necessary to always bring out the technology in order to problem-solve or brainstorm. In fact for some of us, using technology can create additional problems or be a distraction. Sometimes penciland paper will serve the purpose.
Always make certain you have read or seen the front and back of every page in a packet of court papers, pension papers, etc. Sometimes notations or comments on the back can be significant clues. Don’t ignore them.
We’ve got the following events taking place or starting in the next week or so–consider joining us while we still have space: US Land Records class-starts 3 January US Probate Records class-starts 10 January Planning a Trip to the Family History Library–one session webinar on 5 January Genealogical Proof-one session webinar on 5 January If you’ve already registered and haven’t received links to get into the sessions–please email me at mjnrootdig@gmail.com.
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