In records that are partially indexed, always look for names of all family members. This 18th century guardianship for the children of Ephraim Puffer in Middlesex County, Massachusetts, is only indexed under the name of the oldest child. puffer-siblings



3 Responses

  1. Some years ago I found an ancestral grandfather’s name in a book of abstracted orphan’s court records which listed the names of minor children & two older brothers that had been passed down from Bible records showing the two older brothers assigned as guardians of their siblings after their father’s death – giving the father’s name. A cousin used the father’s name & found records for several further generations back. Much thanks to the lady who worked in those courthouse records and had her results printed in multiple books.

    • There are. Puffer. In Muskegon
      Hiriam puffer. And Mr reeth started reethspuffer school.
      Mr puffer is my great grand father.
      His daughter Mabel married my grandfather. Harry f Woodard

      • Hiram puffer owned 133 acres in Muskegon county
        Muskegon Michigan.
        What is east river road and Sheridan.
        Mabel puffer married Harry Woodard of Muskegon Michigan. They had
        Sam…Robert. Harold. Eugene . And Alan
        PatrIcia and Harriet
        My father was Alan.
        Robert Woodard is the only living son now
        Living in spring lake Michigan
        Patricia and Harriet still live up by traverscity

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