[I’m “cross-posting” this from my Rootdig blog so subscribers of both have already seen it.]

We’ve picked up quite a few new readers since the start of 2016 and we welcome them to the Genealogy Tip of the Day blog.

A few general comments follow. Longtime readers should already be aware of these “editorial concerns.” For those who are new, here goes:

  • I don’t post genealogy “news” here–at least the vast majority of the time.
  • I don’t copy and paste press releases to make blog posts.
  • I don’t even use press releases to make blog posts.
  • We don’t copy and paste old tips, but there will be some overlap occasionally as there are only so many tips one can write.
  • I don’t write about any and all topics just to generate traffic and readers.
  • I don’t write about sites, books, materials, that I don’t personally use.
  • I occasionally post personal opinion. You may or may not agree with that opinion.
  • I occasionally write about the research process. I am not the citation police, the genealogy police, or the grammar police and do not pretend to be. You should not be either.
  • I will not write about every new website, gadget, or gizmo like it is the greatest thing since sliced bread, the wheel, and the discovery of fire. There are other sites that get wrapped up in all that marketing hype. This is not one of those sites.
  • I generally only write about families to which I am related or those of my children. That covers a wide variety of locations and places.
  • I believe that learning about the research process, citations, methods, etc. strengthens our research even if publishing is not the goal.
  • I use EvidenceExplained as my guideline to the citation of sources and the method process (in addition to the  Genealogical Standards Manual). I don’t always agree with everything in either, but I rarely agree with anything 100%. That’s combined with my mathematical training and experience as in instructor and writer.
  • I will mention my newsletter and webinars and the seminars I give. The blogs and Facebook page are free, but we do have to pay the bills.
  • I will be occasionally silly, irreverent, and occasionally sarcastic. You have been warned.

Our goal here is to share some of my research, some of my research frustrations, and to provide some suggestions and help with your own research process.

And…as always we thank you for reading.



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