When you find a probate case file for a relative, look closely at the people to whom he owed money and the people who owed him money. There’s a reasonable chance that some of them are relatives. The relationships won’t be stated in the record (as that’s not their purpose). But those names could be clues as to potential relatives. You may even find that the court determined if was doubtful your ancestor’s brother-in-law would pay him the $25 he owed him in 1889, like I discovered.
I’ve kept my webinar prices low since their inception several years ago, but various fees associated with hosting and distributing the presentations have forced me to raise the prices. Effective 20 January 2016 at noon central, the price of individual webinars will be $20 each at a minimum. Prices for most presentations now are mostly in the $8 range. Orders are processed immediately–downloads are immediate. Once downloaded, you “have” the presentation to view whenever it is convenient. It’s just the order that has to take place before 8 am. on 20 January 2016. There are more details on our webinar page.
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