Before heading to a cemetery to take pictures, there are several things to keep in mind, including:

  • having the permission of the landowner, if appropriate
  • knowing how to get to the cemetery
  • having adequate materials to clean the stone without harming it
  • having some way to take notes to augment your photographs
  • knowing how to use your digital camera or phone
  • dressing appropriately–old clothes are best
  • being prepared to take pictures in the shadows
  • arriving while there is still plenty of light
  • having a cemetery travel buddy may be a good idea as well

This list is not comprehensive, but is suggestive.




4 Responses

  1. And don’t forget to think about animals. I once encountered two adult Chows when looking for a stone. Fortunately, they found me uninteresting.

  2. Other “carry-alongs” — bug stray, suntan lotion, spray bottle of water for highlighting stone carving, and sturdy shoes and socks (can you say “fire ants” and other small critters in high grass?)

  3. I’ve found it helpful to get the burial plot location and map of the cemetery, if possible, in advance. When you show up and the cemetery office is closed, it’s sometimes impossible to find a grave if you don’t know where it is.

  4. I agree. Prior planning is a must. If you can call ahead. If there is somewhere to call. You can always try at the county recorders office. They can be a great help. I’ve actually been fortunate to have a man from the local cemetery district meet me at the cemetery with the original burial records. Going back to the 1820s. Was extremely helpful.

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