Sometimes it takes a while for things to dawn on us. I had this photograph for years before I realized that the “Mary and I and our old home church” was written by my great-grandmother. After all she and Mary are in the picture so “I” must be her. This was one time when I was glad that “I” was used on the back of a picture instead of the name. Fortunately someone was able to identify the people in the picture for me. writing



2 Responses

  1. This is great, but no date, last names, precise location…
    Get out some of those old photos on a cold winters night and start recording info on the backs including the above and any other info you wished was on the really old photos you have pondered over in years past.
    I have many old family photos and have no clue about Who, Where, When, or What.
    Nice to identify any cars or trucks by make and year if possible, also.

    • This post was actually about realizing I had someone’s handwriting when I didn’t think I had any of it until I realized who the “I” was in the picture. I’ve since included those names on the digital image as the original is not in my possession.

      And you are right anything in the picture that might be “dated” is a clue.

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