I’m looking forward to returning to Southern California for the Southern California Genealogical Society’s Genealogy Jamboree.  I’ll be giving three lectures at this annual genealogy extravaganza: Reconstructing Families in pre-1850 Census Records Abraham’s Not There in 1840. How Ohio Land Records Explained a Missing Census Enumeration Restacking the Blocks: Organizing Your Information If you’ll be at Jamboree, please come up and introduce yourself after a presentation! If you’d like me to present at your seminar or conference, email me at mjnrootdig@gmail.com.  
Create a chart summarizing the census enumeration for your family of interest in every census 1850 or after in which they are listed. The chart will help you to visualize the family structure better and estimate approximate years of birth for the family members based upon the census. These enumerations may be inaccurate, but for some of us they are the only age estimates we have. ————– Genealogy Tip of the Day is sponsored by GenealogyBank. Their latest offer for Tip of the Day fans/followers is an annual rate less than $5 a month.
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