There are several ways a chronology of all the events in your ancestor’s life can be useful in genealogical research. Here are a few quick things searchers can do with a chronology: look for gaps in the time line–where was the person during the gap? see census years where you’ve not found the person use it as a scaffold to start writing your ancestor’s biogrphy simply organize what you have on the ancestor  
It is easy to go in circles searching for information from genealogical databases. That’s why the most effective searches are ones that are organized and structured. This allows the researcher to not overlook possible search options and see how to troubleshoot when the desired individuals are not located. In this hour-long presentation, see practical and down-to-earth approaches to making better use of your online search time.  After discussing general strategies, we will look at two detailed examples which can then be modeled for your own problem ancestors. Order Michael’s presentation on “Online Search Strategies” (and handouts) for immediate download. The presentation can be viewed as many times as you want.
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