Your ancestor’s middle name could be: a maiden name of a mother or grandmother a first name of another relative a first name of a neighbor or family friend a name from a contemporary famous figure totally arbitrary and random The fifth situation does not happen often, but it does happen. ——– Genealogy Tip of the Day is proudly sponsored by GenealogyBank.
I’m excited about my 2016 trip to the Family History Library in Salt Lake City, Utah.  There’s still time to join me for a week of research at a time when the library is not crammed with other people or there is a conference going on. Some of us plan quite a bit what we are going to do and others do not. I have a short list of things of my own I need to look up. It is important to remember that there are things at the library that are not online. There are more details on our site. Our trip is informal and laid back. The only “scheduled” activities are a short meeting the first evening and (optional) morning sessions. Attendees are encouraged to plan […]
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