If you are only going to use an image for your own personal use, then asking permission is not usually an issue. However, if you are going to post the image on a website, a public tree, a blog, etc. then it’s a good idea to ask permission. One reason is that it is the right thing to do. Another reason is that the photographer may have additional items, better photographs, etc. Irritating them may make them less willing to share information with you. [note; The following paragraph was somehow deleted from this post when it originally went out.] The best reason for not using a picture that you did not take is that the original photographer has copyright to the photograph that they took. It is their picture […]
We’re excited about our May 2016 webinar schedule: Irfanview for Genealogists Digital Media Organization American Court Records Federal Land State Property Descriptions: Sections, Townships, Base Lines and Meridians Barbara’s Beaus and Gesche’s Girls Visit our announcement page for specific schedule.
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