Don’t neglect to take pictures of buildings that might have been a significant part of your ancestor’s life: their home, barn, church, school, etc. Do not always assume the buildings will be there forever and you can “always get a picture.”

But in small towns make certain you get the “right” church. No matter how small the town, there can easily be more than one local denomination.



3 Responses

  1. I wish I had done this for my great-grandfather’s house. After he went into a nursing home my grandparents sold the property and not long after the house burned down. Electrical fire I believe. I have my memories, yes, but I was a young child so they are faint at best. 🙁

  2. Make sure they attend a church in the nearest town. We drive 20 mins to a church in another town because we liked it.

  3. You are SO right. I have I googled addresses and the building was long gone or in the process of being torn down. The latter happened recently when I was using Google maps to review a neighborhood I lived in when I was a little girl. I was shocked to see that one of the elementary school buildings l attended from 3rd-4th grade was already demolished. Thankfully, the other building I attended from KG-2nd grade was still standing so I made sure I took screen captures of it before that one was gone too!

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