The way a clerk or scribe makes his letters can change even within a document–sometimes. This clerk who wrote this 1880-era affidavit from Nebraska made his lower case “e” differently in different places in the document. It’s still an “e” no matter how he made it.diferentes



5 Responses

  1. I started using capital “E” instead of “e” when I was in high-school. I do it all the time, but it looks like he does it only on proper names. Is that correct?

  2. What I noticed immediately was that he used our traditional cursive “e” when it fell at the end of a word. The “e” that resembles a backwards “3” appears in the middle of words. Check out the rest of the document to see whether my theory is valid.

    • That’s a good comment. I’ll take a look–or maybe better yet I’ll post the entire document.

  3. The first one circled in black is a & sign not a e I can clearly see that..this is why people have no clue cause they can’t even read.

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