When using case files from court records, make certain courtaddressesto go through documents used to summon people to attend court. Many times subpoenas will at least give the name of the county where the person was believed to have been living at the time of the court action.

Residential information may also be buried in the text of other documents filed with the court.

You won’t know if you don’t look. And the court case file may be the only place that has the name of that elusive residence.




3 Responses

  1. When you look for court records, are you specifically looking for court records of an incident or like protect documents? Or do you go in just to see if there are under families names.

  2. Many court files are being scanned and archived digitally, and a part o that process is to purge the file of certain documents the state legislatures have determined can be thrown out after a case is disposed or closed. Because of those purging guidelines, many documents such as a subpoenas, summons and court notices may be missing from a court file, especially if the case if over 10 years old.

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