Our list of possible “maiden names” for a female ancestor neglected to include an unmarried mother’s maiden name as a possible source for the maiden name.

It’s very possible.

And it’s also possible that a man’s last name came from his unmarried mother’s maiden name as well.

Thanks to MR for reminding me of this.



3 Responses

  1. In one cousin’s death certificate the informant did correctly identify the decedent’s mother, but not by her maiden name. The informant knew her by another surname, which turned out to be the surname of her last husband.

    • That’s a good reminder to never throw out “errors.” The name given as the married name of one ancestor was actually the married name of her daughter.

  2. Excellent advice.
    My maternal Gr-Grandmother never married the father of her children (a sketch Mormon connection going on). Her children had her last name. Skeleton in the closet for generations. DNA confirmed the family legend/rumor to be true.
    Often a child’s middle name was the mother’s surname.
    Thanks for all the great tips.

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