Everyone has records that they have overlooked for a variety of reasons. That’s why it’s helpful to know what records were kept and how to access them so that nothing is overlooked. It’s easy when one is getting started to miss things and then, years later, to not realize that the record was never located. peter-verikios-world-war-1-draft



3 Responses

  1. How would I know what records were kept? Is there a list that I am not aware of? Or am I just supposed to use what is available on ancestry or FamilySearch when I do a search for an ancestor? I am still new at this, as you can tell.

    • Ancestry.com and FamilySearch really are only just the place to start. There could be additional records at the local, state, and federal level. The records that Ancestry.com and FamilySearch have really on scratch the surface. Local libraries, county genealogical/historical societies could provide some assistance in learning about additional local records–some of this information may be on their website. Guidebooks for specific areas–such as those mentioned in the “books on my shelf” page may also provide some information as well. And–it’s always good to ask questions.

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