A chronology of school attendance can be good for you to develop for yourself or as something to ask someone you are interviewing. People who moved around a lot as children may remember names of schools they attended better than specific addresses. I’ve posted mine as an example. My residence never changed, but the school district moved us around a little bit: kindergarten-second grade–Ferris Elementary School, Ferris, Illinois [where my parents both went to grade school for time] third grade–Lincoln Elementary School, Carthage, Illinois [where my mother taught elementary school for over thirty years] fourth-fifth grade–Union-Douglas School, east of Basco, Illinois sixth grade–Ferris Elementary School seventh-eighth grade–Scofield Junior High, Carthage, Illinois [it was the high school when my maternal grandmother attended it] ninth-twelfth grade–Carthage High School, Carthage, Illinois […]
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