When searching for birth announcements in a newspaper, remember that  writers who are trying to be “clever” can end up creating an announcement that might not contain helpful search terms. This one from Clinton County, New York, mentions the name of the father, but does not mention any birth-related words and refers to the daughter as “a boarder–a beautiful girl.”birth-no-birth

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3 Responses

  1. Well that would explain a few things. As to why I might not have been able to find a birth announcement or birth in the household. I’ll have to look up similar words where someone is staying there ie, boarder.Thank u.I think this tidbit will help greatly.

    • I’m not certain how often the word “boarder” gets used in birth announcements. I think in this case the writer was trying to be funny 😉

  2. I am aware that in the late 19th century, “Blessed Event” was used at least to describe the upcoming birth.

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