Our goals here at Genealogy Tip of the Day  are simple for the most part. They are generally to get readers thinking about:

  • the research process
  • what they find
  • analyzing what they find
  • their assumptions about research and their ancestors
  • terminology and language used in records
  • the history, culture, and environment in which their ancestors lived

And we try to be short—that’s sometimes the difficult part. Tips are not meant to be verbose or lengthy discussions. The intent is to make people aware or to remind them of a topic, concept, term, etc. Longer discussions are posted on my Rootdig blog.

We also appreciate those who purchase a webinar, one of the recommended how-to books on my virtual shelf, or a GenealogyBank subscription through our affiliate link. Those things help support our endeavors here.

But we are thankful for all who participate in Genealogy Tip of the Day in any way, shape, or form and whether they make any purchases or not.

And thanks to all who have helped make our page what it is.




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