Who attends an estate sale? Generally speaking (with some exceptions), it tends to be relatives and neighbors. Looking at the list of buyers can provide some insight into your deceased relative’s family, social connections, and neighbors. This is an incomplete chart of the purchasers of property from the estate of Thomas Rampley in Coshocton County, Ohio, in 1823. There’s no guarantee that a chart will answer your specific questions about an ancestor, but doing some initial work on the purchasers may make something stick out that was not noticeable before. Purchaser Known Relationship 1820 Census 1830 Census comments Randles, Abraham Miller, John H. Gilliam, Samuel Huffman, James Tuscarawas, Coshocton Jackson, Coshocton Thomas’s son John married a Huffman Rampley, James Son Courtright, Jacob Son-in-law Jackson, Coshocton Barkhurst, William Markley, […]
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