This hour-long presentation covers the basics of working with DNA matches at AncestryDNA, including:

  • ethnicity estimate–briefly
  • communities–briefly
  • circles–briefly
  • matches

An overview of working with your matches, interpreting them, understanding them, analyzing them and organizing them is presented. Challenges of working with treeless matches, matches with incomplete trees, people who don’t respond, etc. are also discussed. This is a practical how-to session that also includes an overview of DNA and inheritance sufficient to work with the AnestryDNA results without being overwhelming. Comments included:

it was a very helpful overview and I appreciated the tips

Download is immediate and includes handout and video/audio presentation. Presentation and handout are for personal use only. Orders can be processed securely here (a PayPal account is not necessary–just click through to use a major credit card). Presentation can be played multiple times and is not streamed.

This presentation was not supported or sponsored by and is not responsible for its content. I am not an employee of and the presentation is not aimed to try and sell you a membership.




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