Make a chart with all your variant spellings for a surname and their corresponding Soundex codes. You don’t need the Soundex code to search, but the chart can be sorted by Soundex when preforming Soundex based searches so that you will know which searches locate what names so that you don’t needlessly perform the same search. After all, Trantvetter and Trontvetter have the same Soundex code. A Soundex search for Trantvetter will find Trontvetter. Genealogy Tip of the Day is proudly sponsored by GenealogyBank. Try their “GenealogyBank Search” and see what discoveries you make.
We’ve moved the date of this presentation to 15 September. Registrations are no longer being accepted, but a recorded version of the presentation (audio/video and handout) can be pre-ordered on our announcement page at a discounted price. If you registered for live attendance and did not receive the link to attend, please email me. Thanks!
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