Using Online Trees This recorded session discusses using information and sources found in the “online trees” that some genealogists love and some genealogists hate. We discuss ways to analyze information in a tree, sorting out maybe good trees from probably not-so-good trees, keeping downloaded information separate from your “good information,” tracking the trees that you’ve used so you don’t waste time reviewing them again, times to use what you find in a tree in your own database, dealing with compilers, handling incorrect information, and more. The download of this presentation includes the fifty-minute presentation and the handout. A recording of this session is being offered at a special introductory price of $8 to celebrate our 80,000th fan for Genealogy Tip of the Day on Facebook. Offer ends on 11 […]
If a relative goes “poof” and appears to have dropped off the face of the earth, were they later an heir to a deceased relative? If that relative owned property at their death, the missing relative may have “reappeared” or at least may have been mentioned in the estate settlement. Arsulus Rampley disappeared in the 1920s somewhere “out West.” When his bachelor brother (who had no children) died in the 1940s, Arsulus had to be addressed since he was an heir. Arsulus never was found, but there was discussion of his disappearance in the court record and the court declared him dead before his brother–so the estate could be settled. He was never found, but at least the court record gave me more about his disappearance and the […]
GedMatch is a great site to get more from your DNA test results. My first webinar on using GedMatch is available for download and registrations are still being taken for our second upcoming session on using the Tier 1 options of GedMatch. Our announcement page has more details.
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