Every database, index, record, or compilation has limitations. Do you know at least one limitation for each finding aid or actual record you use? Transcriptions may include errors. Search engines may not work the way you think they do–or the way another site does. Informants on death certificates don’t have to prove every statement they make. Census takers may guess at information or ask uninformed neighbors. Probate records generally will not list relatives who died without descendants. Land records do not include those who rent their land. Indexes are not always full-name indexes. Affidavits in pension claims can contain lies or exaggerations. And so it goes. For every source you use, every database you query, every book you read–ask yourself what limitations there may be. Knowing the limitations doesn’t […]
Jumping to conclusions can cause you to waste research time and money. Always take a second look at a document, the statements it makes, and the conclusions you’ve drawn. do you have the same person? is it transcribed correctly? is there another way to interpret the document? do I know what all the terms really mean–or did I guess?
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