Sometimes there’s nothing better than getting away for nothing but research. Join me on one of two research trips in the summer of 2018. We have a great time, are focused on research, don’t have a list of “group” activities, etc. More details are on our announcement pages: Family History Library in Salt Lake City–May/June 2018 Allen County Library in Ft. Wayne, Indiana–the Midwest’s premier genealogical collection–August 2018.
Pictures may contain clues as to when they are taken. Sometimes they are relatively easy to see–like the birthday cake candles in this image from 1946. Other times the clues may not be so obvious. That’s why it’s also a good idea not to crop any of the actual image from your digitized version of it. There may be a clue in the background that’s not immediately obvious to you. Check out GenealogyBank’s latest offer for our readers!
Two first cousins of my mother had autosomal DNA tests done. One was the child of a full sibling of her mother. The other was the child of a full sibling of her father. While I can use them to help sort out my maternal matches, I cannot assume that all of my maternal DNA matches will match one or the other of them. It’s very possible that I have DNA from one of my maternal ancestors that the two first cousins of my mother do not. And someone else could match me on that DNA. The two first cousins of my mother should help me filter out a significant number of my maternal matches, but they will not help me sort out all of them. Michael’s DNA webinars.
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