Genealogists are often familiar with the importance of working on not just immediate ancestors, but neighbors, slightly-more-distant relatives, and associates. Information on these individuals can sometimes give either direct or indirect insight into the ancestors in question. And if your ancestor was involved in any sort of criminal activity, do you know who his (or her) partners-in-crime were? Those associates can be clues as well. For a longer post, read “Partners in Crime.”
To reduce confusion, here’s a list of my newsletters, blogs, etc Genealogy Tip of the Day–(one tip every day)—free to get daily–subscribe on the blog Genealogy Search Tip of the Day (but not always every day)-  (genealogy search sites and online search tips)—free to get daily–subscribe on the blog Rootdig -(research stories, frustrations, and whatever interests me–a genealogical potpourri without the annoying smell)–free to get daily–subscribe on the blog Casefile Clues Blog—(updates on my how-to newsletter)–blog is free to get Michael’s Weekly Blog Update –(weekly summary from all my blogs)–$5 a year–weekly Casefile Clues-PDF Newsletter-(usually weekly how-to newsletter on document analysis, methodology, and more–grow your research skills–it’s easy to understand, cited, )-$20 for 52 issues. Consider subscribing to the Michael’s Weekly Blog Update or to Casefile Clues. We try […]
The three Ds of the day are: devise–gift of real property, usually by the last will and testament of the giver devisee–the person receiving real property, usually by a last will and testament devisor–the person giving real property, usually by a last will and testament Devise is the gift of real property given to the devisee by the devisor.
After a hiatus, Casefile Clues is back! We’ve put out four issues since resuming publication. Casefile Clues focuses on being readable, understandable, and practical. Articles exhibit sound research methods and analysis–but are not tedious or difficult to follow. Sample issues can be downloaded on our website. Learn more about Casefile Clues.  If you’ve not been getting your issues and you are a subscriber, email me at And if you’re not a subscriber, consider subscribing today! Casefile Clues content is separate from our blog content.
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