When I was a kid, my dad and I would count the cattle as they crossed the road from one pasture to another. It was important to arrive at the same number and to get it correct. The only problem was that my father tended to count out loud and his counting always got me off no matter how much I tried to concentrate Is part of the reason for your research difficulty that you are listening  to what someone else has already concluded? Are you letting their interpretations influence yours–perhaps a little too much? Sometimes it’s helpful to put away the conclusions of others and start your analysis from scratch. Then, when you’re done counting your cows separately, you can compare your conclusions with others.
This session will focuses on the free aspects of DNA Painter at http://www.dnapainter.com. We will discuss downloading matching data from DNA sites, painting your DNA matches, finding match data, labeling, grouping, overlapping segments, and more as time allows. Our concentration is on getting you started with DNAPainter in a way that will help you make effective use of it as your research progresses. If you’ve wondered what DNAPainter is, how to use, and what it can do for you, this presentation will help you to do that. Ordering the presentation includes the recorded presentation (that can be viewed more than once) and a detailed handout as a PDF file. You cannot upload your raw data to DNA Painter. You need the segment data that you can get from […]
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