If the time period is right, newspapers can supplement what is in a marriage record.

The 1916 civil marriage record for this couple gives the name of the officiant and the date of the marriage, but does not provide the specific location of the marriage. The church record of the marriage does not make clear whether the marriage was at the church, the parsonage, or somewhere else where the minister presided.

The newspaper account does give that location. In this case it also provides the time.

Of course when stating the fact that the couple were married in the parsonage, the newspaper item would be used as that is where that detail was located.

There’s additional information about the couple in this newspaper account and there’s other information in the civil record of the marriage and the church record of the marriage.

The bride is incorrectly listed as Lena in the newspaper account. Her name was actually Tena. Might not be bad to see if the date of the marriage (Tuesday–the 7th according to the newspaper date) was the actual date of the marriage on the marriage license.



2 Responses

  1. Double check the date -Tuesday–the 7th according to the newspaper date. My grandparent’s newspaper announcement had a day/date that wasn’t a day/date in that year. I think the year is correct; hard to get that wrong, but the date on that day was off. Either the day or the date was wrong.

    • The year and the month are good. I’ll have to look again at the date. The date may have been passed by word of mouth and “yesterday” may have ended up getting confused.

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