When was the last time you wrote some of your own personal history and memories? It’s always ironic to discover a genealogist who has worked up many of their families and spent years searching for personal ephemera from their own relatives only to not leave any such record of their own memories, life, and experiences.

A Facebook fan mentioned that she keeps a Word document open so that whenever a personal post I make reminds her of something she can immediately go and write about it before she forgets. That’s an excellent idea. Working on such writing is an excellent idea when you are stuck and at a seemingly impasse in your own research. The diversion may give the subconscious parts of your mind to contemplate your problem while you are leaving behind a little something about yourself.

Don’t forget to leave behind for others that which we wish others had left behind for us.



One response

  1. RE: Recording your own memories. One of the things I started to do a few years ago is to attach any family holiday newsletters, including our own to my family tree. We don’t write a newsletter anymore since many of our friends and family on Facebook already know what has happened during the year. We still get newsletters from friends though with lots of details of their lives for the year passed. They provide a good record of significant events in peoples lives for that year.

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