If you are looking for Blahtown in a state don’t assume that the first place with that name is the actual one you want. There could have been more than one place originally named Blahtown–perhaps a place whose name was changed when it was realized that there was another one in the same state. There could also be places named “Blah,” “Blahsville,” etc. to which the “Blahtown” reference was actually referring. Blah could also be the name of a political jurisdiction other than a town (perhaps a township) and could even have been an informal area that never warranted an official name. If you have an idea where “Blahtown” was at but cannot find it, search old newspapers in the area for that name. If it was an […]
Some genealogists work hard to convince family members to take DNA tests to help them solve research problems and increase their ability to analyze their own DNA matches. Others, for one reason or another, do not. Have you at least reached out to other descendants of your grandparents, great-grandparents to see if they have done an autosomal DNA test? If they have, the connection is close enough that they should show up on your list of matches. You will know they tested because they are on the match list (you just may have difficulty determining who they are). If another descendant of a set of grandparents or great-grandparents has tested and they don’t show up as a match, that’s something to investigate. But if you do not reach […]
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