I’ve Found It: Now What? Already held. This presentation discusses what do to when you’ve located that elusive document. The bulk of the presentation will include ways to get the “most” of the document, making certain to interpret it in the historical, legal and other contexts. Also included will be a discussion of the problem-solving process, organizing research plans, and organizing what’s confusing. The presentation will wrap up with a discussion of how to create further research plans based upon what has been located. This is over. The recording and handout can be ordered for immediate download.
Never assume that your ancestor went directly from point A to point B. Finances, broken wagons, unexpected opportunities, illnesses (as in the example) or other reasons may have caused your ancestor to pause somewhere along the way. This pause may have been for a short time or longer–it’s seven years for the family who stopped due to a measles outbreak in 1813. A variety of events along the trip may have drained your ancestor’s finances and necessitated a longer stay along the way than intended. And sometimes those stays generate records.
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