I give this property to John Smith and his heirs and assigns forever.”The phrase “heirs and assigns forever” means that John can “assign” (sell by deed or give by will) the property or, if he has not done that by his death, then John’s heirs will have title to the property (depending upon state statute and common legal practice at the time).  That’s a rather simplified version of “heirs and assigns” forever, but “heirs” and “assigns” mean different things. And the genealogist who doesn’t concern themself with the definitions runs the risk of drawing conclusions that are not necessarily true.
Don’t always assume that “adopted” children were unrelated to the family. There could have been some relationship between the adopted child and the parents. The child could have been the grandchild of the couple or a child of a sibling or other family member. But there’s also nothing saying that the adopted child was related either. It’s just something to think about.
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