If you are not making progress on that brick wall, considering doing one of these alternate genealogy activities:

  • digitizing something you have that has not been digitized before;
  • putting identification information on digital images of pictures;
  • writing up one of your solved problems;
  • organizing and cleaning your digital genealogy files;
  • reviewing a family you thought you were “done with;”
  • finding ways to preserve and share answers to questions you have already solved;
  • reaching out to that family member you have been avoiding for information;
  • improving your genealogy skills by reading an article, watching a webinar, looking into classes, etc.;
  • washing the dishes.

That last one was a joke. There are a variety of genealogy things you can do when you have “genealogy time,” but that brick wall has you frustrated.

Come to think of it, washing the dishes (or doing one non-genealogy task) might be the temporary distraction you need.



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