It can be tempting to stop searching once we have found a marriage record for a relative. Aaron Cain married Sarah Browner in Coshocton County, Ohio, in 1823. He also married Sarah Crow in Coshocton County, Ohio, in 1830. Had I stopped searching in 1823 because I “found it,” I would have missed the second marriage. Of course, the first name of Aaron’s wife did not change. What did change was the fact that with his marriage to her, he gained a new set of in-laws and step-children. In addition to having a new wife. Help support Genealogy Tip of the Day by visiting any of the following sites: Try a GenealogyBank Genealogy Search to see what you find. AncestryDNA offers. Books on Michael’s Genealogy Shelf My webinars My 1950 Census prep webinar
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