There is no doubt that digital images of out of copyright books can be a great way to immediately access those items. But there are materials that are not digitized, are not out of copyright, or are otherwise not available online immediately. WorldCat is a global online library card catalog. It includes traditional print materials and archival materials in special collections. Some materials may not be available for interlibrary loan or subject to other access restrictions. But WorldCat is a great way to learn about these materials. Links to a few sample searches (of subject headings); Plat books for Harford County, Maryland Histories of Coshocton County, Ohio Immigration into Illinois The Advanced Search page on WorldCat can also be a great place to do some experimentation.
During that time period when travel was difficult for most people, the location of where a marriage took place matters–not just because it is where the record of that marriage would have been recorded (if records were kept). That place matters because, again during that time when most travel was on foot, the place of marriage was often near where the couple met or where the bride was from (sometimes both). While it was not always the case and there are always exceptions, if you know the place of marriage for a couple in 1820 in Kentucky, chances are there are relatives of the bride, groom, or both nearby. There is still a chance in 1920, but the probability is not as great as it was in 1820. […]
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