From a while back…

We’ve made a list of some assumptions that genealogists make. Here are a few. We will add your suggestions to a longer list which we’ll post later.

  • The county history was right.
  • That my grandparents actually got married.
  • That my grandma was my grandpa’s first wife.
  • That my relative was an immigrant.
  • That my relative was born in the United States.
  • That the entire death certificate was right.
  • That grandma had a tombstone.
  • That my grandparents were buried next to each other.
  • That no one in my family got divorced.
  • That the old genealogy was right–I just haven’t found the proof yet.
  • That my family was never in court.
  • That my family never appeared in the newspaper.

Add your own thoughts in the comments. Thanks!

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10 Responses

  1. That if your ancestors posted Banns those were always registered by the church

    That if there is no record of the marriage the wife must be booted out of the tree as the wrong Sarah. :O

    That the statement regarding the giving of a deed to property saying “for natural love and affection” is only to avoid taxes and not because he was a son-in-law.

  2. My list also includes
    That no one in your family told lies
    The way the family name is spelt is the only way and the odd spelling are not our folks

  3. That ‘our family’ never had a child out of wedlock…
    That all our ancestors on my mother’s side were Catholic, & only married Catholic persons…
    That all my adult ancestors from 1750 onward could read and write…
    That my great-aunt’s ‘genealogy’ papers are correct because “she was there” & she “has all the papers”

  4. That a family member was adopted from an agency instead of a well-kept secret that it was another family member’s child.

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