We don’t normally do “news” on here, but the FamilySearch United States Wills and Deeds Experimental Search is worth a look. Automated reading of script reading of local record copies of land and probate records in the United States are included. Keep in mind that the material indexed is only what is in the FamilySearch collection.



9 Responses

  1. I appreciate the heads up on the FamilySearch experimental search! I wasn’t aware it existed, but already this morning I’ve located several records for “my people” in counties that I hadn’t thought to check. So thank you very much for sharing!

    • You are welcome! Glad it helped. It’s a great source, but like any digital reading of text, it’s not 100%…but it’s a great start.

  2. I’m so bummed. i just found this, it worked for a day, and now it won’t work 🙁 it returns the message: the US Wills and deeds experimental is for authorized users only, login is required so we can monitor usage and collect feedback. to apply for access, please send an email to – searchfeedback@familysearch.org with the following information: name, email, fs user id, company/org…..

  3. It was FANTASTIC while it was available. I sure wish they would open it back up to all. I couldn’t believe the records I was finding. And like Sheryl mentioned, the records were in counties I didn’t know to look in.

  4. Yes, I found information that was amazing about our family. Now it does not work–so disappointing. Enjoy reading your daily posts. Learn so much. Thank you.

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