It can be tedious to wade through the socials columns in old newspapers, particularly if your relative was something of a social butterfly. But those references can be useful. A 1938 letter written to my grandmother by her niece mentions a couple with the last name of Braeden. That couple apparently socialized with the niece’s parents. I just did not have any more of a name than “Braeden.” A 1966 reference to the letter writer’s mother indicated that the mother had visited a Mrs. Albert Braeden.

It’s a clue as to the couple referenced in the 1938 letter. It’s not 100% proof of their identity. But it is a start.

Genealogical Publishing Company has announced the release of the new 4th edition of Evidence Explained. Check it out on their website.



One response

  1. One social or personals column item I found several years ago confirmed that a son of a family in New York was home visiting his parents from Colorado. Without that information I had no way of knowing where that son had disappeared to! Vital information for me in my research!

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