There is no doubt that in the early days of settlement in a location, when that area was on the “frontier” with potentially rapid changes in population that county lines changed as new ones were formed out.

There is also no doubt that even after an area was settled, the occasional new county would be formed or a county line would be slightly modified for one reason or another. It is even possible that a line may be corrected when a new survey is conducted.

One set of my great-grandparents farmed in several different locations for the first twenty or so years of their marriage in the very early 20th century. These farms were on different sides of the county line. Some children were born in one county. Others were born in the other. When I mention this, I often get told that “county lines change.” Yes, but that’s not what happened here. The county line had been set years ago and was not changing between 1898 and 1918. Great-grandpa rented a different farm, got behind on the mortgage, perhaps irritated his landlord, etc. and moved the equipment and family.

Also remember that a “rule” that applies in one location and time period may not apply in another.



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