Mom didn’t tell me too many actual “family history” stories, but there were a few stories that I heard numerous times that were important to me in other ways.

High school was not always a fun time for me and there were two stories Mom told of her own experiences that were meant to inspire, motivate, and make me aware that there’s a lot of life after high school and the things that seem to be important in high school aren’t always important afterwards.

The specific stories don’t really matter and I’m not posting them here as they were somewhat personal to my Mother and out of respect for her I’m not repeating them. But here’s the thing: they are stories I should write down and record. They tell a few personal details about my Mom, but more important they provide a little bit of insight into her.

And they are stories that fortunately I remember to this day. Fondly. I even told them to my two daughters. One is so short it’s only two sentences, but there was a lesson to it and one that I fortunately took to heart.

The stories about Mom’s Grandma Habben and the mint candies, her Great-grandpa Habben and his one-cow or two-cow stories, and living with her Great-grandma Ufkes are all important ones for me to write down. I’m glad I have them.

But those ones she told me about her own experiences are special for me in another way and I’m fortunate to have them.

As a kid, I sometimes thought I’ve heard them a million times. As an adult whose been around a little bit longer, I’m glad I did.

But record them and preserve them.



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