In some jurisdictions county courts may not have heard all lawsuits. Justices of the Peace may have had jurisdiction over smaller matters that took place in their local area–frequently a town, village or township (but it depends on applicable state/local law). One of the problems is that these Justice of the Peace records are often not extant–or as detailed as county or higher level court records. Newspapers can be one place to learn about some of these smaller and less significant cases. This one from 1886 was for $15 for trespass and damage to stock–probably because someone’s cattle got out or someone crossed a property line. No other details are given, but it helps put people in a location at a certain point in time.
Newspapers occasionally publish complete tax lists like the one from 1907 shown in the illustration. Sometimes newspapers only publish lists of delinquent taxpayers–make certain you know whether you are looking at a complete list, a list of late taxpayers, or a list of assessments that have been recently changed. Property owners may not be actual neighbors if they were absentee owners. For urban dwellers, a map showing the relative positions of lots within a subdivision and relative positions of subdivisions to each other may be helpful–they’ll give you geographic perspective.  
If that website comes up “not found,” consider searching for that address/page at the Internet Archive‘s “WayBack Machine” at
No one cares about your research the way you do. Professionals are limited by time–and your budget. Much of what will get done to discover and preserve your family history rests on your shoulders. Learn all you can about the records where you ancestors lived and the places and time period in which they lived—and: research methodically; report accurately; track what you use; cite what you use. That’s a good start and hopefully some discoveries will have you wagging your genealogy tail–just like Riley in the illustration.
I’ll be taking two group research trips in 2019. Our events are laid-back, not formal, with time for research–not scheduled “social” events. Consider joining me and expand your research in 2019: Salt Lake City’s Family History Library Allen County, Indiana, Public Library in Fort Wayne  
Life has a way of pulling you from genealogical research right when you have made a big discovery. When you return, the excitement of the new find is gone. What have you forgotten you had? What’s sitting in your files without being analyzed? There could be big clues waiting in what you’ve forgotten to actually read. That’s what happend to me with nearly seventy pages of letters written by members of my family in the 1880s.
Tales of family mental illnesses, substance abuse issues, and other challenges to normal daily functioning are not often passed down from one generation to another. And yet, they can explain why people disappear, certain relatives are never discussed, some relatives “won’t allow booze on the place,” etc. Newspapers, death certificates, court records, state hospital records (or committals) can be some places to potentially find some information about these conditions–for some individuals if the records are not sealed. Not all people who suffered from these conditions will leave behind records documenting what was taking place in their life. The records that are left behind may be incomplete and inaccurate. And remember that diagnosing these conditions was different in 1900 than it is today. The treatment, as well as the […]
For the most part are entertainment. Mine are never as precise as the ones in the advertisements–and I really don’t care. Concentrate more on your first, second, third, and fourth cousins and how they connect to you. That’s where the more immediate, more relevant, and (hopefully) more discoverable stories await. I’m not going to be able to document my relatives back to the first century A.D. It’s simply not going to happen. I’ll focus on the stories that I might be able to prove–and those are usually quite a bit more recent.  
A female ancestor married her husband in Kentucky probably in the 1810s. By 1820, they are enumerated apparently as husband and wife, with some small children. They can be traced for the rest of their lives until they died in Shelby County, Indiana, in the later part of the 19th century. It’s her that I cannot find–as if she was dropped off by a UFO at the county courthouse where she saw Enoch and they decided to get married right there, right then as the UFO was leaving Earth’s atmosphere. Of course that’s really not what happened. One possibility is that her family (property renters and not owners) moved into the county from somewhere when my female ancestor Nancy is in her late teens. Within short order she […]
It can be easy to gather images of ancestral records from the internet. But research is more than simply seeing who has the biggest genealogy files of record images. When was the last time you actually transcribed a deed, will, estate record, death certificate or other document that you obtained? Transcribing a document one word at a time does take time, but it forces you to look at each part of the record. That can be a great way to notice details that can be overlooked in a quick, silent reading. Transcribing can help you think about the document and that can cause you to have larger genealogical epiphanies–and genealogists are all about having genealogical revelations. And lastly, transcribing a document makes it easier for you later to […]
Families tend to move in groups. That’s true whether the journey is one of several thousand miles across an ocean or a few hundred miles across a small mountain. When they move in groups, they tend to move over time–not all at once on one day. Who was the first one to arrive in the area? Who came later? The first migrants tend to be single men–but not always. They send word back to the “home folks” and more decide to make the journey once the earlier immigrant or immigrants have settled. Don’t assume your ancestral couple was the “first set” to arrive. There may have been an earlier immigrant, perhaps a brother, cousin, or neighbor. Even if they were the “first, they possibly encouraged others to follow […]
Married couples have had difficulty getting along since the first marriage. It’s the nature of human relationships that some don’t work as smoothly as hoped. For whatever reason, couples may choose not to actually divorce or file any court action regarding the dissolution of their marriage. They may however record some sort of land record to “separate” their property as a couple did in Kentucky did in 1862 (Michael and Margaret Trautvetter in Campbell County). The deed specified that the couple was not getting divorced at that point in time, but decided to partition their real and personal property into “his” and “hers.” Is there a land record documenting your relative’s separation? Not all marital squabbles ended in court–particularly if the couple separated without divorcing. Of course, if […]
Legal records were created for those living at the time. Not as a genealogical record for the future. Be careful reading too much into children who are “left out” of a will and testament. The reasons may not stem around family drama, hard feelings, or ill-will.  It could be that the child had simply received an inheritance earlier in their life. That child may be given a token amount in the will (such as a dollar or a few shillings) not as a slight, but rather to indicate they had not been forgotten. Sometimes a will may specifically state that the parent had already given the child money. Of course, children are left out of wills due to “family drama.” Sometimes there is evidence of that drama in […]
My webinar on “Problem-Solving with DNAPainter and GedMatch” has been moved to 10 December 2018. We’ll discuss using these two sites together to analyze, interpret, and make discoveries from their DNA matches. Join us. There’s more details in our announcement. If you registered and did not receive attendance links, please let me know. Recording will be sent to pre-orders the day after the session is held.
This 1945 marriage record from Fountain County, Indiana, asked for quite a few details–including names and occupations of parents. Made this record for my uncle’s son more interesting. You never know until you look–more reasons to research the extended family.  
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