Bondsmen (sometimes called securities) on an administrator’s bond are not saying they are paying the bills of the estate. They are saying that they are vouching for the administrator and that if the administrator runs off, doesn’t pay the bills, etc. that they are “good for it” and have the funds to pay the bills–and the court will enforce the bond if necessary. If the administrator does his job, the bondsmen have no need to worry. Consequently the bondsmen are people who knew the administrator and trusted him to “do right” by the estate. 
There’s still time to join us for a week of research at the Family History Library in Salt Lake City, Utah, this upcoming May/June. Our registration rate is one of the lowest around, our trip is informal and focused on research (not on social or “group” activities), and you can stay next door at the Plaza for $91 a night plus tax. More details are on our site. Registration deadline is approaching.
Names of sponsors can tell you more than just who might have been related to the baby. This 1874 sponsorship provided evidence of Wilhelmina Kraft’s immigration to the United States and that she was still alive in 1874.   Our sponsor, GenealogyBank, has a special offer for tip readers, fans, and followers for February–an annual subscription at less than $5 a month (billed annually).
Our sponsor, GenealogyBank, has a special offer for tip readers, fans, and followers for February–an annual subscription at less than $5 a month (billed annually). 
The 1894 deed is phrased “Elizabeth Stiefel and husband to Ferdinand Stiefel.” The phrasing for the time period is slightly unusual–typically the husband is listed first and the wife is second (and may not even be named in a reference such as this). This transfer suggests some additional research. The two most likely scenarios are that the husband was having some financial difficulties or the property was under the control of the wife (perhaps through acquisition before marriage or through an inheritance).
Estate settlements of relatives who died without children often provide the names of their heirs and can be used to confirm family relationships that may not be evidenced in other records. Pay close attention to the individual appointed to administrate the estate–if there is no will. That individual may also be a relative. Sometimes the last name is a dead give away that there is a connection, but that’s not always the case. Michael Trautvetter died in Illinois in 1869 with no children and no spouse. His siblings and some nephews and nieces were his heirs. The name of the administrator meant nothing to me, but it turned out that the administrator’s wife was a niece of Michael. The maiden name of the administrator’s wife was not an […]
Genealogists are usually good about knowing that they should figure out the meanings of words they don’t know. That same thing applies to words that they think they know–in fact, that’s when knowing the meaning is even more important so that meanings are not misunderstood. There are two main situations where this can be a problem: legal references. Certain words when used in a legal document have a specific meaning and that meaning can be different from what is meant when a layman uses that same word. cultural, pop, political and historical references. The meanings of words have changed over time. A newspaper may use a slang term to refer to your ancestor that may tell you something about the ancestor (and perhaps the newspaper as well). Depending upon […]
When saving images from Facebook (or any other site), give the images names that make sense. Some sites autogenerate file names or change them as they are uploaded to the site by users. Random names of random characters are difficult to understand. 
The Bureau of Land Management website allows users to search their patent database of individuals who obtained federal land. The database contains an image of the actual patent and should describe the federal act under which the individual obtained the land. The BLM site does not contain any of supporting documentation used to obtain that land. Those files are in the National Archives in Washington, DC. Generally speaking federal land could be obtained via: cash purchase military warrant (issued based upon military service in specific wars) homestead pre-emption and various other claims The amount of paperwork in the application file varies dependent upon the type of acquisition process. Learn more about searching the Bureau of Land Management website and the unindexed BLM Tract books in Michael’s webinar.
The 1860 US Census asks if the enumeree was married within the year. That can be a clue–not as good as a marriage record, but better than nothing.
While it can be infinitely fun for a genealogist to pore over a list of names or a series of transcriptions of genealogical records, sometimes it’s good to broaden one’s horizons and learn some social history of your ancestral family. Discovering something about the common practices, beliefs, and mores of your ancestors can help you to better put them in perspective and to interpret the records they left behind in a way that reflects them as accurately as possible. Probably one of my favorite social histories is a study of farming practices in Illinois in the mid-19th and very early 20th centuries. Like most books of this type, what’s best for us is reflective of our ethnic and geographic past. The book studies farming practices of several immigrant […]
In a brief post on Rootdig, we posed the question “When You Are Gone?” What are some ways you are preserving your data for future generations? Feel free to post a comment, question, or suggestion.  
While it may seem like our postings here are random, they are not and they are all written by one person. To find out a little more about Genealogy Tip of the Day, visit: our goals  the guy behind Genealogy Tip of the Day And, as always, thanks for your support.
Depending upon which record one views, my aunt was either named Sophia Adolphena Trautvetter or Adolphena Sophia Trautvetter. In some families for a variety of reasons, first and middle names can be interchanged. Sometimes it is because one of the names is a baptismal name that is never really used. Sometimes it is because the person simply does not really care for one of their names and, when they can, use the name that they prefer. Or in the case of Aunt Adolphena, they simply use a diminutive. She was usually called Pheenie/Pheeny.
We had to raise our DNA webinar prices, but until  10 February  (at 11:59 pm central US time) we are offering a 25% off sale on any DNA webinar order. Don’t wait. Our current DNA webinar offerings are: Preparing for Your Results AncestryDNA Beginnings Sifting Through Your AncestryDNA Matches More Sifting Through Your AncestryDNA Matches FamilyTreeDNA GedMatch 1 GedMatch 2 Coupon code at checkout is TWENTY5%. The discount will show as 25% at checkout.
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