That family story may clearly be incorrect or greatly exaggerated. Before you throw the story out completely, think about what sources or records might have been created if it were true. Consider breaking the story into the parts you could prove and the parts you could not prove. And then go from there. ———————————— Check out GenealogyBank’s Offer for Tip of the Day Fans!
You may have several different records on your ancestor, various census enumerations, city directory references, an obituary, a mention in a county history, a marriage register entry, a death certificate, a mention as a witness on a document, etc.? How certain are you that each of these references are to the same person? Could there have been two people with the same or similar names? Have you possibly confused two first cousins, a father and a son, or two unrelated people. It is always possible and something to keep in mind. ———————————— Check out GenealogyBank’s Offer for Tip of the Day Fans!
Some smaller libraries will search specific items for specific people for a nominal charge or just the cost of copies. It can be a good way to get access to material you may not be able to access otherwise. Many genealogical publications (especially out of print books that are still in copyright) can be difficult to get online or via interlibrary loan. If you find that a library has a copy of that unusual book, see if they will search it, copy the index, etc. It is worth a try. ———————————— Check out GenealogyBank’s Offer for Tip of the Day Fans!
If you cannot locate relatives who are interested in your ancestor, have you at least tried and contacted other genealogists who are researching in the same location? While they might not be related, they might have ideas for sources or repositories where you should conduct your research. Others might know what records have been microfilmed or digitized, etc. Don’t just limit yourself to trying to find relatives–others with similar areas of research may be able to help you even more. ———————————— Check out GenealogyBank’s Offer for Tip of the Day Fans!
In some cases the latest transcription of something might not be the best. If you’ve seen a published book of tombstone inscriptions from the 1990s, you still might want to look at that book of transcriptions done in the 1940s. Stones might have been more legible in 1940, some might not have been readable at all in 1990. That book of transcribed marriage records in the 1930s might contain handwriting interpretations with different renderings of certain words. The ink might not have been as faded in 1930 as it was when a later transcription was done. And the transcriptionist from 1930 might have been more familiar with local names than was the 1980 era transcriptionist. Do not always assume the latest publication is the best. Sometimes it is […]
I will be one of two featured speakers at the annual National Societies of Palatines to America conference in Indianapolis from 14-16 June 2012. I’m looking forward to making my presentations there and hope blog readers will join me if they live in the area and have an interest. You don’t have to be a society member to attend the conference.My topics are: Crossing the Pond Online Search Techniques Germanic Research with German Genealogy Websites Creating Your Own Blog What’s New for German Researchers on FamilySearch Determining Your Own Migration Chain Warren Bittner will also be presenting additional German topics.  Mark your calendar now. I’m looking forward to meeting attendees and blog readers as well.  ———————————— Check out GenealogyBank’s Offer for Tip of the Day Fans!
Way back in 2003, I thought I had “figured out” an 1860 census entry with a few irregular entries. I even had a list of reasons why my conclusion was correct. Flash forward to 2012. In attempting to “redo” the research, I reached a different conclusion about the 1860 census entry–one that meant I had more work to do. Genealogical conclusions are always subject to new information, new procedures, and the potential that a misinterpretation was made along the way. Don’t be afraid to revise. ———————————— Check out GenealogyBank’s Offer for Tip of the Day Fans!
Are there tombstones you have not seen, photographed, or tried to get photographs of? Tombstones are one of the most fragile genealogical sources around. While not as fragile aunt Myrtle’s mind or the paper in the family bible, stones are subject to deterioration, decay, and the ravages of time. And sometimes vandals. ———————————— Check out GenealogyBank’s Offer for Tip of the Day Fans!
If you’ve found any of our websites/blogs helpful in your searches, please let your genealogy friends know about them. You can sign up for them in Google reader, get them in your email, or join the fan page on Facebook. Genealogy Tip of the Day–to read older ones or signup via email. one tip a day–geared towards experienced beginners, but we typically hit a wide range of levels. Fan Page on Facebook Daily Genealogy Transcriber–to read older ones or sign up via email one handwriting image posted every day where readers can submit interpretations–answers usually posted within a few days. Fan Page on Facebook Search Tip of the Day–to read older ones or to sign up for emails one tip as I think of them–geared […]
One of my wife’s ancestral surnames is Schollmeyer. Not the most common last name in Davenport, Iowa. In the village in Germany where they were from, the parish register of births contained numerous entries for that last name. In fact, in some years 1/3 of the entries had the father with the last name of Schollmeyer or the mother with that maiden name. ———————————— Check out GenealogyBank’s Offer for Tip of the Day Fans!
Are there some “obvious” clues you are overlooking in a document, record, or artifact? If your ancestors had their picture taken on their 50th anniversary with all their children, then it means those children were living on that date. It might be a small clue or a big one depending up the situation. Survivors listed in an obituary can obviously be viewed the same way–just like people listed as attending a reunion in a newspaper notice. Are there “obivous” clues you have overlooked? ———————————— Check out GenealogyBank’s Offer for Tip of the Day Fans!
Digital version of our latest webinar released–introductory rate.More Brick Walls from A to Z –(NEW!)–This presentation is a continuation on the popular “Brick Walls from A to Z” that was released earlier. The alphabet has been reused for additional ideas and quick suggestions for getting past those brick walls–aimed at all levels–with the intent of jumpstarting people’s research. Introductory recording price of $6 won’t last long. Includes recording and PDF of handout.  ———————————— Check out GenealogyBank’s Offer for Tip of the Day Fans!
If you are fortunate enough to find an ancestor on a ship manifest, read the entire thing–especially pay attention to families listed immediately before and after your ancestor, but you still never know. I’ve found the family of a niece and her husband listed right after my ancestor and I’ve also found “grandma” who immigrated with her child and grandchildren listed separately on the manifest. Sometimes names get overlooked and have to be inserted at the end of the list. The creator of the manifest could not “insert a row” in the list if he realized he’d overlooked someone. ———————————— Check out GenealogyBank’s Offer for Tip of the Day Fans!
Just because Grandma’s story sounds “off,” don’t conclude it is wrong. My grandmother told me that she could remember getting baptized with her younger sister. I never argued with her about it, but I doubted it–Lutherans were baptized as babies. Sure enough, for some reason (not the lack of a minister in case someone suggests it), Grandma was baptized at the age 5 or so, with her sister and baby brother. Turns out she was right after all. However, she was wrong about her brother’s middle name, but that’s another story–and another tip. ———————————— Check out GenealogyBank’s Offer for Tip of the Day Fans!
Remember that most census records that provide relationships do so only to the head of the household. The wife may not be the mother of all the sons and daughters that are listed. Step-children may not be indicated as step-children, they may just be listed as children. Keep an open mind when using relationship information provided in the census, particularly if there’s only one census year where you have the individuals listed with the relationship. ———————————— Check out GenealogyBank’s Offer for Tip of the Day Fans!
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