Reading through a relative’s entire probate file, page by page and word by word, can provide you more than just the occasional relationship clue–it can also provide insight into their life. This 1862 reference indicated that the family paid the doctor bill of the deceased with two pigs and a rifle.
Sometimes there’s nothing better than getting away for nothing but research. Join me on one of two research trips in the summer of 2018. We have a great time, are focused on research, don’t have a list of “group” activities, etc. More details are on our announcement pages: Family History Library in Salt Lake City–May/June 2018 Allen County Library in Ft. Wayne, Indiana–the Midwest’s premier genealogical collection–August 2018.
Pictures may contain clues as to when they are taken. Sometimes they are relatively easy to see–like the birthday cake candles in this image from 1946. Other times the clues may not be so obvious. That’s why it’s also a good idea not to crop any of the actual image from your digitized version of it. There may be a clue in the background that’s not immediately obvious to you. Check out GenealogyBank’s latest offer for our readers!
Two first cousins of my mother had autosomal DNA tests done. One was the child of a full sibling of her mother. The other was the child of a full sibling of her father. While I can use them to help sort out my maternal matches, I cannot assume that all of my maternal DNA matches will match one or the other of them. It’s very possible that I have DNA from one of my maternal ancestors that the two first cousins of my mother do not. And someone else could match me on that DNA. The two first cousins of my mother should help me filter out a significant number of my maternal matches, but they will not help me sort out all of them. Michael’s DNA webinars.
That name in a “legal” document may not quite be the “right” one and may not be the “legal” one either. An 1880-era probate from Illinois refers to a daughter “Usina.”  “Usina” was actually Lucena–or something close to that. The initial “L” was omitted in this probate reference. Had  I looked only for “Usina” I might never have found the correct person.  
Did the widow give up her right to administrate her husband’s estate? That could help you approximate when she died, get a copy of her signature, and get her name. Some records may simply list her as “widow.” The relinquishment should give her name. Genealogy Tip of the Day book is here. Learn more about it.
When using land records, always note the consideration listed on the document in addition to the real property being transferred. The “consideration” was what was given in exchange for real property. Token amounts may suggest a relationship between the parties. Small consideration amounts compared to other deeds for similar properties may also suggest a connection between the parties involved. 
Research tips that suggest a procedure, an approach, or a process are just that: suggestions. One tip will not solve every problem in every location. What works in one place at one time period may not be appropriate in another place at another time. If one idea does not work, try something else. Or ask yourself why the tip might not apply to your specific situation. That may get you thinking of something that does apply to your situation. Or let another researcher know what you tried and that it didn’t work–they may have another suggestion. Or work on an entirely different family for a while. Sometimes a short break works wonders. Check out GenealogyBank’s latest offer for our readers!
List of disbursements from an estate may help to clarify relationships and may mention heirs not listed elsewhere. If it took some time to settle the estate, the death of original heirs may cause additional family members to be listed. Even if relationships are not given, the amounts can suggest relationships. Check out GenealogyBank’s latest offer for our readers!
FamilyTreeDNA Beginnings Already Held Content: This presentation will discuss the basics of the “Family Finder” on the FamilyTreeDNA website. You can upload autosomal test results from other companies for use and comparison with other matches at FamilyTreeDNA. This presentation will discuss: working with matches filters this site gives users and ways to use those filters chromosome browsing downloading results–all results and filtered results what to include in your optional GEDCOM file upload and reasons to upload it Order immediate download. If you pre-registered or pre-ordered and need the download, contact me using the email address in your receipt. This link will not process pre-orders.  
A Google search for the location where someone died (and their residence at death) may locate significant information. Do not limit yourself to maps in an attempt to find “what’s there today.” There may be other text-based search results that are helpful as well. Those of us with rural ancestors won’t usually have an address to put into Google–most of my own ancestors’ death records are only as specific as the township of death. Check out GenealogyBank’s latest offer for our readers!
Many indexes do not include every name, indexes can contain errors, and some records are completely unindexed. No matter the situation, there are times when the researcher needs to undertake a manual, page-by-page search. The questions to ask are: How are the original records organized? Is it by: date of the event or document–sometimes this is known, sometimes it is not date the item was recorded–often not known–but it is after the event took place the person’s residence, burial spot, or other geographic location–sometimes known, but not always military unit or some other assigned number–can be difficult to know, is there some other record that provides this information? something else–variability here To find the person in the desired record, it may be necessary to look at other records (organized […]
One letter makes a difference. This is one that spell check will not catch. Old-fashioned proofreading is what it takes. There is a difference between “interment” and “internment.” interment–the burial of a corpse internment–the state of being confined as a prisoner In a recent blog post, I slipped and used the wrong one. By the time I realized it, the post had permeated the internet. That little “n” matters. Check out GenealogyBank’s latest offer for our readers!
There are several quick tips from this 1863 marriage from Adams County, Illinois: don’t crop so close that you omit key details–the month and year don’t show in my image (they are at the very top of the page) don’t assume that there wasn’t a marriage after a “long-term” spouse died–I almost overlooked this reference to Antje for that reason Google that minister–a Google search for “tjaden minister adams county” directed to me where he probably was a pastor (and that was just a start in finding where he was affiliated in 1863) Antje moved around. In 1880 she was in Denver, Colorado, and she eventually died in Albuquerque, New Mexico.
Modern United States certificates often have code numbers that are specific to the cause of death. In some cases they may provide additional information or be more specific than the listed cause. This 1938 death certificate’s code of 200b pretty much means the person dropped dead. The International List of Causes of Death has been revised several times and can be seen online. Make certain you are using the correct year as the codes have been modified over time.
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