County histories may mention people who never lived there. This Marlborough, NH history mentions a native of Ontario never set foot in New Hampshire. She married into a family who spent time in New Hampshire–but the family member she married left as a young man and never returned.  The clue to your puzzle may have been published several states away.  
It seems obvious, but a will only lists those children to whom property is being given in the will. A testator (the person signing the will) may have had other children to whom property had already been given. These children may not be named in the will. Sometimes they are named if only to state that they have already received their inheritance and are not intentionally being left out. Do not assume every child is named in the will. Do not assume there have to be other children either.
After waiting for years, I decided to take a DNA test in hopes of learning more about my Irish heritage. You can read more on my Rootdig  blog.
Appraisers of an estate can be relatives of the deceased, but they cannot (usually) be heirs or beneficiaries of the estate. If one of the appraisers of an estate has the same last name as the deceased, then they are not an heir or a beneficiary. It usually is a violation of state statute, not to mention good practice, to appoint someone with a direct interest in an estate as an appraiser of that estate.  
I had to sign my daughter up for one online class in order to complete her degree in May of 2017. I was asked the year she graduated high school. I was not 100% certain and realized (or hoped) that being a year off wouldn’t be a problem. What is the chance your relative guessed on a date because they thought it would not be a problem…and, after all, who is ever going to see this in one hundred years?
This hour-long presentation (aimed at advanced beginner and intermediate researchers) focuses on research approaches to get you past “brick walls”. We will look at reasons why we have “brick walls” and how we may be making our own “brick walls.” Focus will be on problem-solving, getting past assumptions, realizing what we know versus what we think we know, and completely analyzing and understanding what we already have. Order here for immediate download. Recorded presentation and handout included.  
If you’ve got an ancestor on which you are stuck, have you completely and exhaustively researched all their children? It’s possible that in some record on one of those children is a clue to the parent who is giving you difficulty. Don’t just research the child from whom you descend–research them all. Don’t just focus on online sources either.
In the United States, until the passage of the 1922 Cable Act, a woman lost her United States citizenship upon marriage to an unnaturalized alien. That’s why this native of New York State is listed as an alien in the 1920 census–with no date of arrival in the United States. “Any woman who is now or may hereafter be married . . .” by Marian L. Smith on the National Archives website provides more detailed information. Check out the books on Michael’s genealogy shelf.
When I began my genealogical research, photocopies faded within a few years. They were not meant to be even reasonably permanent and the concept of archival photocopies was laughable. The librarian warned me that I would need to transcribe by typing any copies I had made on their photocopier. Copiers of those types are not found any longer, but do you have materials that might fade with time? Are there records or family papers that should be reproduced before the ink seemingly evaporates from the page?
We still have room on my two research trips coming up later this year. Join me for research, morning presentations, time with other genealogists, and a fun research experience: Family History Library in Salt Lake City, Utah Allen County Public Library in Ft. Wayne, Indiana  
When was the last time you read a little history? The first book is one I first read years ago and gave me great insight into my Illinois farmers–both the Germans and the non-Germans. The second one focuses on women’s citizenship–basically the mid-19th century and after. Given that I have many immigrants during this time, it was an interesting and informative read. Prairie Patrimony: Family, Farming, and Community in the Midwest (Studies in Rural Culture)–an analysis of farming communities in Illinois but applicable to much of the Midwest A Nationality of Her Own: Women, Marriage, and the Law of Citizenship— focusing on women’s citizenship throughout American history and how those laws have changed. Genealogy Tip of the Day is an affiliate of–we do receive a small commission on […]
7ber, 8ber, 9ber, and Xber may be noted in dates in 17th and 18th century documents. These references refer to September, October, November, and December.  In the modern calendar 7ber is not the 7th month, 8ber is not the 8th month, 9ber is not the 9th month, and Xber is not the 10th month. That’s a reference to their original positions. There’s more on the calendar on Wikipedia.
Incorrect spellings, incorrect transcriptions, and difficult-to-read handwriting create index entries for names that can be difficult to find. One of the more difficult variants to find is one where the first letter has been read incorrectly as an entirely different letter that does not even sound like the original letter. A family with the last name of Demarah in the 1900 census in upstate New York State is indexed as “Lemarah.” The “D” does look like an “L.” It originally took me forever to find it in the index.  
The household in Ausable, Clinton County, New York, is atypical to say the least. It is headed by Sarah Demarah, aged sixteen and living with her three younger sisters, Margaret (aged 11), Essie (actually Elsie, aged 8) and Mary (aged 6). No occupation is listed for Sarah, but her three sisters are all listed as attending school. A few households away is their brother, Levi. He’s apparently a servant working in the household in which he is living (based upon his occupation): The “Demarah” children are all children of Louis DeMar(e), a Clinton County native who was born there in the 1850s and originally went by the last name of Desmarais. By 1900, his wife Mary (Drollette) DeMare was deceased. Louis would not die until 1935 in Clinton […]
Always label dates of events precisely in your genealogical database.Call them what they are.  If the date is a birth date, then list it as a birth date. If the date is a baptismal date, then list is as a baptismal date–don’t use it as a birth date. The date of a marriage license is the date of the license, not the date of the marriage. The date of a marriage bond is the date of the bond, not the date of the marriage. The issuances of licenses and bonds does not mean the marriage necessarily happened. Most of the time it did, but there are always exceptions. Being careful can reduce confusion later on. Unlike one distant relative of mine who, in families that practiced infant baptism, […]
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