[I posted this to my Rootdig blog, but am posting it here as well…thanks!]

We are still working through a few issues after our transfer to WordPress for our blog management. We appreciate everyone’s patience.

If you get this message, and have a free moment, please let me know–either by responding on the blog, or to the email.

I usually write about whatever strikes my interest and don’t pay much heed to what may generate a lot of chatter or responses. I try and write things that I think people will read and get some help from–and often those are things that people don’t respond to.

So….gentle reader, if you could let me know that I’m not operating in a vacuum, I’d appreciate it.

Now back to our regular programming!



81 Responses

  1. YES — Are You Getting Genealogy Tip of the Day — Always well done, but the latest tip on the Employment Records opens a great field of research. Most of my ancestors were farmers too, but here and there a doctor (!) or a blacksmith.

    Keep up the good work!
    All the best,

    • Thanks, Linda. To be honest, I never really gave employment records a thought until I started work on my children’s ancestry.

    • Thanks. I like WP a LOT better than blogger. Still a few bugs to work out, but we are getting there.

  2. I have been, and continue to do so, receiving the tip of the day. I am an e-mail subscriber in Clayton, New York.

    V/r Tom LaClair

  3. What I’m getting now is a link to the blog with part of the posting. I think that’s right and if it is, it is working fine. Thanks.

    • That’s what’s currently going out. I’m working on having it put the entire tip in the email. Thanks.

  4. I am receiving your tip of the day. I especially appreciate that they are quick–and sometimes seemingly simple–tips that can lead to ah-ha moments such as today’s idea about employment records.

  5. I an getting the daily e-mail. It is titled: [Genealogy Tip of the Day] Once Daily Digest Email. The content has part of the daily tip. There are links to the rest of the information right below the title of the tip but at the bottom where it says: “You may view the latest post at” there is no link. So everything is there.

  6. Today I received 2 emails for the Tip of the Day, but the other days I’ve only received one. So enjoy receiving them! Thank you.

    • We’ve had some difficulty with emails going to comcast.net addresses. That may be the reason.

  7. I am receiving your emails at my comcast.net address with no problems.
    Thanks for checking, Bonnie

    • Thanks for letting me know. We are working on that. If you continue to get that, please let me know. Thanks!

  8. I subscribed to get Genealogy Tip of the Day. I again subscribed to it when you said to because you were moving to its present site. I am not receiving it. I really do enjoy your genealogy tips of the day! I would love to continue receiving it. Thank you for all you do to help those interested in genealogy.

    • Sharon,
      It shows that you are on the email list. Some hosts are denying emails from my domain..www.genealogytipoftheday.com. If the messages are not in your spam folder, please let me know. Michael

  9. Was getting Tip of the Day and Search Tip of the Day before switch to WordPress. Added your Blog in the switchover. I’m now getting Tip of Day, Search Tip of Day as individual emails, as well as something titled Once Daily Digest Email. Some info is repeated in the Digest, and that’s a bit confusing since I’d like to save the Digest info that I hadn’t already received in the “Tip” emails.

    • Let me check on that Ken. The Daily Digest is a daily summary that’s sent out–is it from Rootig or Tip of the Day?

  10. I tried several times to switch to your new server. Each time, it sent me a “confirmation message is on the way!” answer, but I never have received anything. There is nothing from you in my spam folder. Happily, I do still get the summary page, so I’ve been able to keep up. Any ideas for me to try? Thanks! I do enjoy the tips and topics.

    • It tells me that you are confirmed. I’m guessing that AOL is somehow blocking the emails. I’ll have to look into that.

  11. I am getting Tip of Day and Search Tip of Day as emails plus another email with same info. I did not resubscribe — don’t know if I need to do that because I am getting emails – but do not need 2 of each.
    Thanks for the Tips.

  12. Would like to be added to the Tip of the Day. Have signed before but nothing comes through. Dorothy

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