Never be satisfied with just one or two obituaries for a person of interest. Obtain as many as you can. There’s always a chance that that “extra” one you find contains a detail not given in the others. This 1912 obituary for Samuel Neill of West Point, Hancock County, Illinois, provided a county of birth for his wife. It may not be correct, but at least it is a clue.
If a will lists a wife and children of the testator (one who wrote the will), it is possible that the wife is the mother of: none of the children some of the children all of the children With out other information don’t immediately jump to any of these conclusions. What’s probably safe to say is that the testator is the parent of the children because that’s what is stated in the will.   ————————- Don’t forget our webinar prices will go up on 20 January. Details on our page.
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